WHIZTEC is a leading provider of Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) software to the Shipping,
Logistics, Retail and Distribution, Contract
Manufacturing and Project-oriented Manufacturing industry.
WHIZTEC web based ERP enables companies to streamline
business processes, collaborate with all stakeholders and gain
real-time visibility into key data, thereby empowering your
employees to take quick, appropriate action. Business is
improved through streamlined business processes, quality
analysis, performance checks and role-based planning.
A successful, growing business demands business software that
expedites growth. Even the best companies can’t face
tomorrow’s challenges with yesterday’s technology. If
you’re still using an off-the-shelf, shrink-wrapped package
using outdated technology that’s not providing the
functionality you need, or one of those accounting-only packages
that tries to do some inventory/operations functions, it is time
for you evaluate our ERP software.
WHIZTEC ERP helps you
- Make campaign planning, execution, and analysis
easier by placing all relevant marketing information
at your marketing department’s fingertips. Provide
your sales and marketing personnel with the tools
they need to track any type of activity targeted at
customers, prospects, suppliers, or other business
contacts. Help sales and marketing managers work
more efficiently with their teams. Use it to manage
and monitor individuals, teams, and the entire
organization, and to display sales data graphically.
- Streamline the process of ordering, planning, and
producing customized products
- Keep track of your inventory - a key component of
purchasing, order processing, and inventory tracking
- Improve decision-making among your managers and
line-of-business users using improved management
dashboards that provide a complete picture of
business operations
- Accelerate cash collections and improve day sales
outstanding metrics using efficient collections and
credit management capabilities
- Improve recruiting, training, performance
evaluation and retention of employees using
End-to-end talent management tools
- Reduce administrative overhead of human resources
(HR) departments using WHIZTEC User friendly
employee self-service capabilities
- Manage procurement, invoicing, sales order
management and documentation of internal controls
- Empower your enterprise users through enhanced
capabilities and role based user interface. It gives
smoother workflow by allowing employees, customers,
vendors, and other business partners to interact
directly using internet browser.
If you are looking for a web based ERP solution in Shipping,
Logistics, Retail and Distribution, Contract Manufacturing and
project-oriented manufacturing industry, please contact sales@whiztec.com.